Monday, October 3, 2011
New Wheels
Someone got an early birthday present and has been enjoying it! So hard to believe she will be 3 very, very soon!
The Tooth
Almost two weeks ago someone in our house lost their very FIRST tooth. I honestly thought him losing a tooth would be pretty dramatic, but he was awesome about losing it. One night he noticed it had come lose and by the next day he had lost it. When I picked him up from daycare a worker told me his tooth was VERY loose, but I never imaged it was hanging on by one thread. On our drive him I told him I used to wiggle my tooth back and forth until it came out. I must admit losing teeth was not my favorite thing as a kid, I HATED IT and EVERYTHING ABOUT IT! He sat in the back seat wiggling his tooth back and forth and back and forth. It wasn’t coming out, so I told him to twist it. Pop, out it came and boy was he thrilled. He looked at Sienna with a huge grin and open mouth and saying, “look, Sienna I lost my tooth!” He was beyond thrilled about it. I then explained how the Tooth Fairy would make an appearance and that he could receive money. Sienna’s response to him was to “put it back, Landon.” That night we were up late having a bon fire with the neighbors, but he informed me after looking in the sky for the Tooth Fairy, that he need to go to bed so she could come. He awoke in the morning to $2.00 under his pillow.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Gymnastics, the Zoo and Hopefest…oh My!
We have been very busy. The kids started gymnastics a few weeks ago. Landon is in the Dynamites group and Sienna is in the parent/tot group. Landon loves, loves, loves gymnastics and can’t seem to get enough. He loves the running, jumping and most of all falling into the foam pit they have. I have been the one to help Sienna in the parent/tot group and for most part she does well, but the occasional I’m going to run off on you happens. Both have learned how to do “safety falls”, straddles and pike jumps. My favorite part while watching Sienna is when they are supposed to jump apart and then together. She has the words apart, together down pat, but can’t seem to get the brain and the legs to work together. It is pretty cute to watch it. She also has pretty much become a pro at somersaults.
We also attended the Zoo’s member appreciation night. Both kids loved this event as well. Landon was able to pet a porcupine and both were able to feed a camel. Sienna’s highlight was riding on the carousel, multiple times. I have to admit it made me slightly dizzy, but she wanted to keep on going. After two times and Landon being super patient while watching us, I decided that was enough of the carousel.
The kids and I also took in Hopefest last Sunday when it was 91 degrees. They had fun bouncing on Games To Go equipment, playing games and eating. Sienna’s favorite thing was riding on the ponies multiple times. I think she ended up riding them a total of three times. She is much my more adventurous child. Both kids had a great time and can’t wait again for next year.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
The First Day
Tear, was my baby boy's very first, first day of school. Yes, it is true I have a Kindergartener. Where did the time go? He was very excited all week about going to school and excited even this morning, but I could tell that once he got off the van to go into school he was looking nervous. Here is to praying the first day and the rest of the year goes well.

Saturday, August 20, 2011
Yes, it is true we have someone in our house that is super close to starting Kindergarten. I can’t believe my little boy will begin kindergarten in less than one week. He is super excited for it. As for me I am excited for him to be growing up, but wish time could slow down for a bit. I’ve had lots of people utter the words, “once they start school time goes so fast.” Really time goes even faster than now because I think the last five and a half years have flown by. I remember the day I brought him home from the hospital. With your first you remember so much of everything. I remember being so cautious with him and taking my time giving him a bath because I wasn’t sure what I was doing. I think I just blinked and now have this little man that is growing in front of my eyes like no tomorrow. I will try and post pictures of the first day.
The Patient
Recently, Landon had to go in for dental surgery. The dentist wanted to crown 3 teeth and put fillings in. Apparently now instead of having a child come back multiple times to fix their teeth, they like to put them under anesthesia and fix everything all at once. It was a an early morning that we headed to the hospital, since we had to be there by 6 am the house was all up by 5:30 am. Once we arrived and checked in the Child Life Specialist asked Landon if he wanted anyone to come with him into the operating room. His response was “yes, I want a nurse to come with me.” I have to admit a shed a little tear that he didn’t want mom or dad to come with him, just one sign of him getting older. He put the scrubs on for the surgery and it was pretty much show time after that. They took him back to the OR the whole surgery lasted about an hour and half. Before we knew it we were back with him in the recovery room. It took him a bit to come out of the anesthesia, but once he did he said he was ready to head home. Once we got home we were all pretty tired and mom, dad and Landon slept from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm. It felt wonderful to get some much needed rest. His request when he woke up, and could finally eat, peanut butter and jelly. Of course my peanut butter and jelly monster would want to eat that. Ask Landon any day of the week what he wants for dinner or supper and you will ALWAYS get the same response of pb and j. After he scarfed that down he was good to go and completely back to himself. I think the surgery was harder on mom and dad that it was on Landon. It’s hard to watch your child walk down through doors to surgery and not go with them. I’m glad it’s over and hope to not have to experience it any time soon. The outcome was only one crown and some fillings, not as bad as what the dentist thought.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Sienna stated while driving past the Red River. “Mom, there is crocodiles in there.”
What Landon Says
While at Kmart the other day Landon noticed the lady at the checkout had numerous rings on her fingers. A couple days later he asked me, “mom, why did that lady at Kmart have so many rings on her fingers?” “Is it because she has been married many times?”
Landon – “Mom, look at those dark cows.” “Sienna, chocolate milk comes from dark cows”
Mom – “Landon, why do call your blanket a key?”
Landon – “Because a key is something you lay your head on and a blanket you cover up with.”
Thursday, July 14, 2011
This summer Landon has participating in Tot Ball through the Fargo Park District. He absolutely loves playing and looks forward to ever game day on Monday’s and Wednesday’s.
Just this past weekend Auntie Mo got married. All of us had the honor of being in the wedding, Travis was a groomsman, I was a bridesmaid, Landon was a ring bearer and Sienna was the flower girl. It was a great day, but I must admit it was a lot of work for me. We are very happy that we can welcome Brandon into the family and call him Uncle Brandon.
The Ride To Daycare
Landon – “Mom, where is that noise coming from.”
Me –“What noise are you talking about?”
Landon- “That music.”
Me- “From the speakers.”
Landon-“Where are the speakers.”
Me-“In the doors of the car.”
Landon – “I can’t see them.”
This was the car ride to daycare today. We also talked about how birds drink rain water and how he wanted to drink rain water. Try to explain to a 5 year old the process of where our water comes from, gets cleaned and ends up at our houses.
Friday, May 20, 2011
The 1 Mile Marathon Runner
Landon participated in his second Fargo Marathon Youth Run last night and did great! He wanted to run it by himself, secretly I was proud he wanted to do it by himself and a little sad as he seems to be getting so big, either way I was happy at his eagerness to want to run. I sat with him before the kids lined up patiently waiting for the race to begin. Once they lined up I told him to run and follow the other kids. The first kid came back in about 6 minutes 40 seconds, wow! He enjoyed the race and was already talking about doing it again next year.
Waiting for the race to start |
This is where I got the "stop taking my picture" |
silly |
Lining up |
Just finished on his way to get his medal |
The medal! |
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Sienna has been accident free for over a week, including staying dry overnight. Here is to crossing my fingers we are completely potty trained and NEVER have to buy diapers again! So proud of my baby girl!
All Landon
“Mom, when will I lose my teeth?”
“Soon Landon, soon.”
“Then will the fairy tooth come visit me.”
“You mean the Tooth Fairy?”
“Yes, she will and then she will put money under your pillow.”
“What if she lifts my head too far up?”
“Mom, you need to cut Sienna’s hair it is getting too long.”
“No, I’m trying to grow it out.”
(A little gasp) “Mom, then she will look like Rapunzel.”
Waking up out of a dead sleep...“Mom and dad, when I was sleeping this morning I had to blow my nose and papa gave me toilet paper.”
“Yeah, and the toilet paper was really soft.”
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Thinking Hat
Apparently, it's important to wear your thinking hat to bed. Last night I went to check on Landon, before going to bed myself, this is how he fell asleep.
Monday, April 25, 2011
We spent a good Easter weekend with G and G Moser. They stayed at our house Friday and Saturday night. The kids enjoyed dying Easter eggs with them and of course just having them around. We watch Tangled together while Sienna and Grandma Moser cuddled on the couch.
Easter morning Landon was up about his usual time of 7 am and searched for his basket right away. He went through his goodies and then headed upstairs to find the hidden eggs. After scoping out where all the eggs were he was told to wait to get them all until his sister woke up. My child who loves to sleep, slept until about 8:20 when I finally had to go and wake her up. She was a little tired when I showed her where her Easter basket was. Once she saw the goods, she really perked up and was excited. After going through everything we headed out for church. After church the kids and I headed over to Auntie Mo’s and Brandon’s house to enjoy a wonderful Easter meal. We had ham, corn on the cob, biscuits and cheesecake. After dinner the kids and I headed home for a nap and then got to spend time with daddy.
Not too sure about that Easter Bunny |
Going through the Easter goods...he was really more excited than he appears in this picture |
Playing with the Easter goods |
More Easter goods, notice the flip flops with socks on. |
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