Monday, October 3, 2011

The Tooth

Almost two weeks ago someone in our house lost their very FIRST tooth.  I honestly thought him losing a tooth would be pretty dramatic, but he was awesome about losing it.  One night he noticed it had come lose and by the next day he had lost it.  When I picked him up from daycare a worker told me his tooth was VERY loose, but I never imaged it was hanging on by one thread.  On our drive him I told him I used to wiggle my tooth back and forth until it came out.  I must admit losing teeth was not my favorite thing as a kid, I HATED IT and EVERYTHING ABOUT IT!  He sat in the back seat wiggling his tooth back and forth and back and forth.  It wasn’t coming out, so I told him to twist it.  Pop, out it came and boy was he thrilled.  He looked at Sienna with a huge grin and open mouth and saying, “look, Sienna I lost my tooth!”  He was beyond thrilled about it.  I then explained how the Tooth Fairy would make an appearance and that he could receive money.  Sienna’s response to him was to “put it back, Landon.”  That night we were up late having a bon fire with the neighbors, but he informed me after looking in the sky for the Tooth Fairy, that he need to go to bed so she could come.  He awoke in the morning to $2.00 under his pillow.

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