Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Patient

Recently, Landon had to go in for dental surgery.  The dentist wanted to crown 3 teeth and put fillings in.  Apparently now instead of having a child come back multiple times to fix their teeth, they like to put them under anesthesia and fix everything all at once.  It was a an early morning that we headed to the hospital, since we had to be there by 6 am the house was all up by 5:30 am.  Once we arrived and checked in the Child Life Specialist asked Landon if he wanted anyone to come with him into the operating room.  His response was “yes, I want a nurse to come with me.”  I have to admit a shed a little tear that he didn’t want mom or dad to come with him, just one sign of him getting older.  He put the scrubs on for the surgery and it was pretty much show time after that.  They took him back to the OR the whole surgery lasted about an hour and half.  Before we knew it we were back with him in the recovery room.  It took him a bit to come out of the anesthesia, but once he did he said he was ready to head home.  Once we got home we were all pretty tired and mom, dad and Landon slept from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm.  It felt wonderful to get some much needed rest.  His request when he woke up, and could finally eat, peanut butter and jelly.  Of course my peanut butter and jelly monster would want to eat that.  Ask Landon any day of the week what he wants for dinner or supper and you will ALWAYS get the same response of pb and j.  After he scarfed that down he was good to go and completely back to himself.  I think the surgery was harder on mom and dad that it was on Landon.  It’s hard to watch your child walk down through doors to surgery and not go with them.  I’m glad it’s over and hope to not have to experience it any time soon.  The outcome was only one crown and some fillings, not as bad as what the dentist thought.

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