Saturday, August 20, 2011


Yes, it is true we have someone in our house that is super close to starting Kindergarten.  I can’t believe my little boy will begin kindergarten in less than one week.  He is super excited for it.  As for me I am excited for him to be growing up, but wish time could slow down for a bit.  I’ve had lots of people utter the words, “once they start school time goes so fast.”  Really time goes even faster than now because I think the last five and a half years have flown by.  I remember the day I brought him home from the hospital.  With your first you remember so much of everything.  I remember being so cautious with him and taking my time giving him a bath because I wasn’t sure what I was doing.   I think I just blinked and now have this little man that is growing in front of my eyes like no tomorrow.  I will try and post pictures of the first day.

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