Monday, April 25, 2011


We spent a good Easter weekend with G and G Moser.  They stayed at our house Friday and Saturday night.  The kids enjoyed dying Easter eggs with them and of course just having them around.  We watch Tangled together while Sienna and Grandma Moser cuddled on the couch. 
Easter morning Landon was up about his usual time of 7 am and searched for his basket right away.  He went through his goodies and then headed upstairs to find the hidden eggs.  After scoping out where all the eggs were he was told to wait to get them all until his sister woke up.  My child who loves to sleep, slept until about 8:20 when I finally had to go and wake her up.  She was a little tired when I showed her where her Easter basket was.  Once she saw the goods, she really perked up and was excited.  After going through everything we headed out for church.  After church the kids and I headed over to Auntie Mo’s and Brandon’s house to enjoy a wonderful Easter meal.  We had ham, corn on the cob, biscuits and cheesecake.  After dinner the kids and I headed home for a nap and then got to spend time with daddy. 

Not too sure about that Easter Bunny
Going through the Easter goods...he was really more excited than he appears in this picture

Playing with the Easter goods

More Easter goods, notice the flip flops with socks on.

1 comment:

  1. i'm so jealous your child sleeps in! and you're hair is super long. mine was too but i just chopped it off last week, so refreshing!
