Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dr. Visit

Over Thanksgiving Landon developed a terrible cough, actually both kids ended up sick that weekend.  We took both kids into the doctor and Landon was diagnosed with croup at that time.  Ever since that time Landon has had a terrible cough that he can’t seem to shake.  When he runs or gets worked up he coughs and coughs.  Since I have asthma and Landon has a history of allergies and eczema, which all go hand in hand together, the doctor thought he could possibly have asthma too.  At this age, they can’t really do a breathing test to make a diagnosis for sure, so they put them on medicine to try and curve a problem if there is one.  So since December 28 Landon has been using an inhaler in hopes his coughing spells would cease.  Unfortunately, this has not been the case at all.  His cough has seemed to get worse and the other night he woke up screaming his ear was hurting.  We decided we would take him into the walk-in the next day.  So last night I took him into the doctor to find out the poor kid has a terrible ear infection and a possible start of pneumonia.  Currently, he is on an antibiotic, so hopefully this helps get him well. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh poor Landon. Lila was put on two inhalers last winter. I believe albuterol(sp?)and then a steroid w/instructions on how many times to use them. They worked extremely well and so far so good this year. It's actually been almost a year since she's had to use them. Which ones did they give him? And how often was it prescribed? Hopefully he feels better soon!
