Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Crazy Week

Last week with the start of a new semester my life seemed like it was out of control.  I was so busy at work trying to play keep up with things that the blog wasn’t a priority.  So I’ll try to do my best to get caught up.
We spent a fun family night at Chuck E Cheese, where I think daddy always has as much fun as the kiddos do.  I usually spend my time chasing Sienna around while Travis and Landon play games. 
We also spent time at Yunker Farm, the children’s museum, in Fargo.  Sienna loves to paint and could sit there forever painting, if I would let her.  It’s such a neat place to let the kids run around and just have fun exploring new things.
Other than that nothing is really new around our household.  Swimming lessons has started up again after a three week break, which I love the fact that Landon can burn off energy, but hate, hate, hate that I have to go back out in the cold in the evenings again.  I will say that I think swimming lesson night is almost my favorite night for relaxing.  Our neighbors offered to take Sienna, since she is too young to do lessons on her own yet, and Landon and I head off to swimming lessons.  He swims for 45 minutes and I get to relax in a warm building and talk to another mother.  It’s very relaxing just being able to sit and talk for a while without interruption.  The best part is that Landon loves to swim so it’s a win, win for both of us.  Sienna I think makes out the best because the neighbors spoil her rotten while she is at their house. 

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