Monday, January 3, 2011


Thursday, December 30, brought a blizzard to the Fargo-Moorhead area and it was not fun!  I headed out from work at 4 pm to pick up the kids.  While trying to get into daycare I got stuck, I was able to get myself unstuck and then into the daycare parking lot.  When I got towards home, I noticed a car stuck in the east side of our alley, so I thought I would try the west side.  During the whole ride home Landon was sleeping, which was probably good because then I could concentrate on the roads instead of kids fighting.  On the west side of the alley there wasn't much snow so I floored it and hoped for the best.  I got stuck again!  I was able to get myself unstuck and then hoped and prayed for the best.  Floored it and got stuck, thank god for two wonderful guys that pushed me out and then I was finally able to get into the alley and into the garage.  During this whole commotion I had Landon waking up and going, "Mom, this is why you hate winter, isn't it?"  Yes, Landon you are right, I do hate winter for this exact reason.  I also had Sienna crying because I had my window rolled down a little and snow was hitting her in the face.  So when we finally got home, I breathed a sigh of relief that we were home safe and had enough food to NOT GO ANYWHERE!  Later that night the kiddos, myself and the dog crawled into bed to watch a movie, cuddled and slept.  It was a good ending to the day.

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