Friday, February 11, 2011

The Valentine’s Box

Yesterday when I went to go pick the kids up from daycare Sienna’s Valentine’s party was just finishing up.  She had her hands in colored shaving cream and loved it.  I had trouble prying her away from the shaving cream so we could go and get her hands washed.  Just before we left we were able to take her Valentine box home with us.  You will notice the letters and tiny scraps of pink paper that are on it.  While getting her coat on one of the letters fell off.  We spent two minutes trying to get the letter back on and sticking to the box, there was no leaving with that letter not reattaching.  Finally we got her coat on and then she hands me this small scrap of paper.  I think nothing of it and throw it on the floor, note there is no garbage around and it’s the size of a fingernail.  For some reason Sienna looks at me with this disgusted look and doesn’t want to move to go home.  To which I say come on Seinna it’s time to go.  Finally, I figured out she was upset about the tiny scrap, that I thought was garbage, so we had to reassemble that tiny scrap back onto her box.  After that was securely placed back on there we were good to go. 

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