Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A 4 Year Old Turns Into a 5 Year Old

Wow, where did time go?  My favorite little boy turned from 4 to 5 this past weekend.  It seems like just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital.  Our lives have changed in so many ways, but have been blessed in so many more ways.  The hugs and “I love you” are immeasurable and are so worth it.
Friday night brought Grandma and Grandpa Moser to our house for some Wii and a great steak meal.  Landon had a blast trying to beat Grandma in Wii dancing.  Saturday Grandma and Grandpa Larson took Landon out for some ice cream and shopping. 
Now onto Sunday, the real birthday!  Sunday started out great we spent time as a family and even worked in a little bit of a nap before the festivities began.  For Landon’s 5th birthday we rented a room for four hours at the Holiday Inn for some swimming and some fun.  We had lots of great family and friends to help us celebrate.  Landon choose a Toy Story 3 cake and we had pizza, pop and grandma Moser’s great bbq’s.  Thanks all for helping us celebrate, it was a blast!

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