Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Swimming Lessons

Another session of lessons has begun again and this time Sienna and daddy are partaking in the fun.  We decided to sign Sienna up for parent/child lessons and she loves it.  Even though she freezes in the water, she does not want out and wants to keep swimming.  I think I have another little fish on my hands!

A 4 Year Old Turns Into a 5 Year Old

Wow, where did time go?  My favorite little boy turned from 4 to 5 this past weekend.  It seems like just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital.  Our lives have changed in so many ways, but have been blessed in so many more ways.  The hugs and “I love you” are immeasurable and are so worth it.
Friday night brought Grandma and Grandpa Moser to our house for some Wii and a great steak meal.  Landon had a blast trying to beat Grandma in Wii dancing.  Saturday Grandma and Grandpa Larson took Landon out for some ice cream and shopping. 
Now onto Sunday, the real birthday!  Sunday started out great we spent time as a family and even worked in a little bit of a nap before the festivities began.  For Landon’s 5th birthday we rented a room for four hours at the Holiday Inn for some swimming and some fun.  We had lots of great family and friends to help us celebrate.  Landon choose a Toy Story 3 cake and we had pizza, pop and grandma Moser’s great bbq’s.  Thanks all for helping us celebrate, it was a blast!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Birthday Cake

Since we have an almost 5 year old in the house, talk of birthday cake has been his focus.  On the car ride to swimming lessons I got asked if he could pick out Jack's next cake. 

Oh the Fun Car Rides Home

Landon, "mom, when I am older I'm going to move to Bismarck."
Me, "why Bismarck, where did you hear about Bismarck?"
Landon, "what park?"
All along Sienna starts singing jingle bells. The thing is this is a typical car ride home...nothing unusual about a 4 year old that can't hear and a 2 year old singing Christmas songs.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Random Pictures

Landon, what are you doing?  Updating my Facebook status.

Note: Clean Underwear

Sienna teasing Landon

Cassidy and Seinna watching the Superbowl

A Landon Quote

“Mom, when I am your age I am going to marry you.”

The Valentine’s Box

Yesterday when I went to go pick the kids up from daycare Sienna’s Valentine’s party was just finishing up.  She had her hands in colored shaving cream and loved it.  I had trouble prying her away from the shaving cream so we could go and get her hands washed.  Just before we left we were able to take her Valentine box home with us.  You will notice the letters and tiny scraps of pink paper that are on it.  While getting her coat on one of the letters fell off.  We spent two minutes trying to get the letter back on and sticking to the box, there was no leaving with that letter not reattaching.  Finally we got her coat on and then she hands me this small scrap of paper.  I think nothing of it and throw it on the floor, note there is no garbage around and it’s the size of a fingernail.  For some reason Sienna looks at me with this disgusted look and doesn’t want to move to go home.  To which I say come on Seinna it’s time to go.  Finally, I figured out she was upset about the tiny scrap, that I thought was garbage, so we had to reassemble that tiny scrap back onto her box.  After that was securely placed back on there we were good to go. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Swimming Lessons

For the past couple of years, Landon has been taking swimming lessons.  This is something he looks forward to doing each week.  He loves to get in the water and he also loves to play with his friend Liberty.  I also admit that I love swimming lessons.  I get to sit for 45 minutes, child free in a warm building talking to another mother.  I guess it’s a win, win for Landon and me!  Sienna and Daddy get to stay home and spend some quality time bonding while we are away.  I’m sure many dolls are being played!

Fight the Frost

A couple of weekends ago, we attended Fight the Frost at the FargoDome with friends.  The kids loved it and I have to admit I loved it too.  It’s great to pay $5 and be in a warm place where the kids can burn off some much needed energy.  Landon and Sienna both enjoyed jumping and going down slides.

Sickness Go Away

Recently, we had another sick kid in our house.  The sickness never seems to end this winter.  Sienna had double pink eye and ear infection.  We are finally on our last dose of an antibiotic! 

The Easel and Hangman

For Christmas Travis’s sister bought Sienna an easel.  The kids have loved writing and drawing on it, especially Landon trying to pretend to be a teacher.  Within the first two days of having it Sienna ruined two shirts by coloring on them with dry erase marker.  If anyone has any tips on how to get marker out of clothes I would appreciate it.  I have tried stain remover, hair spray and nail polish remover and have gotten nowhere. 
Landon has taken to the easel and tried to play Hangman with us.  I’m glad he likes to play games, but sometimes it makes the game difficult to play since he is limited with his spelling vocabulary at the moment.  We usually end up trying to guess words that consist of the following: umousjlvu soubjluou.  Yes, his words consist of putting a letter any place he wants in his hangman words.  Last night as we were playing I went through every letter in the alphabet from A-Z, he still had one space he hadn’t filled and told me to guess again.  I told him that we went through everything, to which he writes another letter and I magically win.  On a good note, he knows how to spell all his letters and loves to write them.