Monday, December 27, 2010

Intense Games of Hide and Go Seek

Over the weekend Landon asked to play Hide and Go Seek, so some pretty intense games were played at the Moser household.  One day in particular I was playing with Landon and it was my turn to count.  I found him hiding in the closet with the vacuum and when I opened the door all I heard was, "mom, I'm sorry."  Landon, what did you do, "I peed my pants, mom,"  "Why did you pee your pants?"  "You were counting and I was hiding, I didn't want to come out because you would find me then."  We then had to have talk about how it was ok to come out if you had to go to the bathroom because you could hide again.  We did discover that mom is much, much better at hiding Landon then daddy will ever be!  I hid Landon twice of which it took Travis almost me giving up where he was for him to be found.  Here you can see Travis looking for Landon and his clever hiding spot, which I showed him. 
Still searching...not under there
Daddy searching


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