Tuesday, December 21, 2010

An Early Christmas

This weekend past weekend we were busy celebrating Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa Larson, Auntie Reba and Dustin, Uncle Jake and Aunt Trista on Saturday.  We arrived early afternoon on Saturday and enjoyed lots of good eats, not a good time to watch your calories around the holidays.  Santa came around 4:30 to delivery presents to all of us.  Landon was very good with Santa sitting on his lap and giving him a high-five.  Sienna on the other hand was a bit terrified of him.  The poor girl had her whole body shake when she got near him.  Her favorite word when Santa would ask her a question was, “no.”  Santa asked her if she had been a good girl in which her response was a big, “NO!”  Landon got two Zhu Zhu pets, which I’m convinced they drive Jack (our dog) just as crazy as they drive me, and a nerf gun.  Sienna enjoyed dress up shoes and jewelry.  I think I’m in for a long haul with as many shoes and as much jewelry as this girl loves!
Sunday brought us to Grandma and Grandpa Moser’s house.  Grandma, who loves to give, spoiled two kiddos rotten.  The kids received nice clothes, movies and Leapster items.  Sienna received a Leapster Junior, which you can program with books.  You run the Leapster Junior over the word or words in a book and it will tell you what the word or words are.  One of the books she received had to do with colors, by running the Leapster over the word it would tell you what color is on that page.  Landon received a Leapster 2 and a Toy Story 3 game.  This game works with shapes, numbers, letters and adding and subtracting items. 
We had a very good weekend of presents, food and family time!   Thank you all of the wonderful weekend and great gifts, much appreciated!

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