Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sienna's Favorite Words

Sienna is learning to put more and more words together, but her most favorite words consist of NO and Nobody Take It!  I think the "Nobody take it" comes from daycare since she shares a room with about 10 other little two year olds. 

Monday, December 27, 2010

Intense Games of Hide and Go Seek

Over the weekend Landon asked to play Hide and Go Seek, so some pretty intense games were played at the Moser household.  One day in particular I was playing with Landon and it was my turn to count.  I found him hiding in the closet with the vacuum and when I opened the door all I heard was, "mom, I'm sorry."  Landon, what did you do, "I peed my pants, mom,"  "Why did you pee your pants?"  "You were counting and I was hiding, I didn't want to come out because you would find me then."  We then had to have talk about how it was ok to come out if you had to go to the bathroom because you could hide again.  We did discover that mom is much, much better at hiding Landon then daddy will ever be!  I hid Landon twice of which it took Travis almost me giving up where he was for him to be found.  Here you can see Travis looking for Landon and his clever hiding spot, which I showed him. 
Still searching...not under there
Daddy searching


Christmas Morning

His pillow pet which he begged for months

Playing with her baby and new laundry center

Christmas morning, ahh...to see the excitement through a child's eyes....Landon woke up around 7:15 am and actually stayed in his bed until he heard Sienna getting up.  I snuck down to cuddle with him and once we heard the pitter patter of little feet we both jumped up out of bed.  He ran up the stairs and was excited to see a pillow pet and an NDSU sweatshirt.  Sienna then proceeds to rip through her stocking to find clothes and her pillow pet lying beside her presents.  Other goodies the kids received were, Landon Iron Man mask and glove, Sienna received a microwave, blender and mixer for her kitchen.  Overall, it was a great day spent together.

Christmas Eve

Sienna had to hold Landon's had as soon as they stood by the tree

Once Landon started coughing, Sienna had to too

Dumping the reindeer food

Milk and cookies for Santa
Friday evening I decided I would take the kids to church by MYSELF, since daddy was working.  This is something I really wouldn't like to do again, considering I had to keep two kids quiet for 1 hr and 40 minutes by myself.  Christmas Eve service at our church means arrive early, because it will fill up FAST!  What I mean by this is, church was a 5 pm, and I arrived at 4:30 and could barely find a seat to sit in.  The good news is I sat by this super nice old couple that was very tolerant of a 2 year old that wanted a snack, wanted to color on things and was up and down several times through the service.  Overall, I will have to say the kids, especially Landon did very well.  After church we went home and enjoyed some grill cheese sandwiches and prepared for Santa to come.  The kids made reindeer food at daycare in their rooms, so we had to dump the food outside so the reindeer could eat it.  After that we had to get the milk and cookies ready for Santa to eat.  Landon was so excited he wanted to take a picture by the milk and cookies.  Both kids went to bed around 8:30 pm and stayed in bed until the next morning!

Is there room for me?!?!?!

Thursday night also brought two kiddos and a dog who wanted to sleep with me until daddy came home.  Here you can see how they take up most of the bed.

Dino Land

On Thursday of last week I took off of work to get some last minute things done and spend some time with the kids.  It happened to be Landon's Christmas party at daycare that day, so I dropped him off for a couple of hours so he could attend the party.  He was pretty excited when I picked him up, as they had adult drinks at the party.  The adult drink consisted of 7up and cherries.  With Landon at his party and daddy still sleeping, this only meant one thing for the girls of the house, we went shopping!  I had to return a few things and while we were out and about we picked up a few new shirts for Sienna and dog toys for Jack.  After the shopping and picking up Landon from his Christmas party we went to enjoy some Chinese food with daddy.  Later that night, the kids and I got out of the house and met our neighbors Carrie and Kenzie out at the mall.  We had a bite to eat and then took the kids to Dino Land.  Landon and Kenzie had fun playing on all the dinosaurs, while Sienna found someone she liked to play hide and seek with. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Change, It Never Fails, New Decorations and a Landon Story

There is a change that has happened in the Moser household recently, one that mommy is sad about.  We have a little girl that has now moved from her crib to a “big girl bed” or toddler bed.  It’s sad to think we will never have a need for the crib in our household again L.  So far things haven’t gone too bad, hopefully that continues!  The first night she mysteriously snuck out and placed about 20 small books with her in bed.  We will have to see what other goodies end up in bed with her in the future!  It’s an honor to watch her grow, but sad at the same rate to see my baby growing up so fast.
Notice the little books beside her...those were the books found in bed with her

So whether it’s the car ride to daycare or the car ride home from daycare it NEVER fails, Sienna immediately rips her gloves and hat off.  Most of the time she starts ripping off her shoes too.  As soon as I hear the Velcro straps start to tear I immediately say, “Sienna, please leave your shoes on.”  Of course the 2 year old that she is, she doesn’t listen and continues to take her shoes off.  One car ride home she took off her shoes and then proceeded with the socks, to which I was a little upset about.  I quickly got over being upset when I realized she took off her shoes and socks to view the sparkles on her toe nails, as I had painted her toe nails earlier that morning.  This morning, however, we had a unique situation; she tore off her gloves and hat both.  When I went to pull her out of the car to go into daycare I had trouble locating her gloves.  I asked her where her gloves where and she told me they were in her hat.  When we get to daycare I always put her gloves in her hat and then both of them in the sleeve of her coat, so I guess she thought it was a good place for them since mommy puts the hat and gloves together. 

Last night we went to visit some of our wonderful neighbors to exchange Christmas gifts.  I thought I would take a picture of what they each received.  Landon got a dinosaur ornament, which this little man loves dinosaurs.  Sienna received a high heel shoe for her ornament.  She was thrilled as a few minutes after placing it on the tree she went back to look at it and says, “Sienna’s shoe!”  I am so in trouble with her love of shoes she has.  Landon also received a new game for the Wii which he is excited to try out tonight. 

I was reminded of a story I thought I would share about Landon.  One weekend a while ago, Grandpa and Grandma Moser were staying at our house.  I happened not to be home this weekend, but heard about how Grandpa Bob told Landon his new shirt looked sharp.  Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say because Landon took his shirt looking sharp literally.  He started crying immediately saying he wanted his shirt off because it was sharp!  Note to all out there, when you tell a 4 year old something they can take it literally!  Ahh, Landon how we love you!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

An Early Christmas

This weekend past weekend we were busy celebrating Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa Larson, Auntie Reba and Dustin, Uncle Jake and Aunt Trista on Saturday.  We arrived early afternoon on Saturday and enjoyed lots of good eats, not a good time to watch your calories around the holidays.  Santa came around 4:30 to delivery presents to all of us.  Landon was very good with Santa sitting on his lap and giving him a high-five.  Sienna on the other hand was a bit terrified of him.  The poor girl had her whole body shake when she got near him.  Her favorite word when Santa would ask her a question was, “no.”  Santa asked her if she had been a good girl in which her response was a big, “NO!”  Landon got two Zhu Zhu pets, which I’m convinced they drive Jack (our dog) just as crazy as they drive me, and a nerf gun.  Sienna enjoyed dress up shoes and jewelry.  I think I’m in for a long haul with as many shoes and as much jewelry as this girl loves!
Sunday brought us to Grandma and Grandpa Moser’s house.  Grandma, who loves to give, spoiled two kiddos rotten.  The kids received nice clothes, movies and Leapster items.  Sienna received a Leapster Junior, which you can program with books.  You run the Leapster Junior over the word or words in a book and it will tell you what the word or words are.  One of the books she received had to do with colors, by running the Leapster over the word it would tell you what color is on that page.  Landon received a Leapster 2 and a Toy Story 3 game.  This game works with shapes, numbers, letters and adding and subtracting items. 
We had a very good weekend of presents, food and family time!   Thank you all of the wonderful weekend and great gifts, much appreciated!

Christmas Program

Singing Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer

Landon with his classmates

On Wednesday, December 15 Landon had his first Preschool Christmas program.  The little man was very excited for his upcoming program because mom, dad, Grandma and Grandpa Moser, Grandpa Larson and Auntie Mo and Brandon attended the program too.  The program was very good and consisted of many songs and finger plays.  Landon did very well, except for the part where he proceeded to lift his shirt almost all the way up and scratch his stomach.  Apparently, when you have an itch, you have an itch.  After his program he got to spend some alone time with mom, since I had the day off.  We hit up the mall for a bit and played at Dino Land before picking up his sister. 

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Boy and The Girl

I thought I would give a brief description of both kiddos to get a slight glimpse into their personalities. 

Landon is our full of energy 4 year old.  He is loving preschool and learning new things.  Currently he is excited for Christmas by marking the days down one by one.

Sienna is our 2 year old DIVA in training.  This girl is going to give us a run for our money!  Her new favorite word is NO...gotta love that.  She currently loves feeding her babies and reading books.

As you can see they actually do love each other.  However, you wouldn't know that by the way the car ride home last night transpired.  While driving home this is what I heard.  Landon, "Sienna, I'm ignoring you."  Keep in mind usually every day either on the car ride to daycare or ride home, I have to remind him to just ignore his sister.  Sienna responds back with a "no."  Landon fires back with a "yes, I am."  Sienna, "no."  This basically goes on for at least 10 minutes of our 15 minute car ride home.  Never a dull moment with two kids! 

Blogging about our life...

I thought a blog would be a good way to track the daily/weekly happenings of what goes on when two kiddos by the names of Landon and Sienna get together.  Since I am not good at keeping a journal of their little lives or keeping up in their baby books, I thought this would be a good way to track memories.  So here goes.....