This weekend the kids and I headed over to West Fargo Saturday morning to let them “go on the jumping things” as Landon would say. Our great neighbors provided us with free tickets to go with them. We spend two hours there and the kids had a great time. Landon was very brave this time and asked to ride the mechanical bull and climb the volcano. After that we headed to the mall to have lunch and spend some time at Dino Land. We stayed until about 1 pm and then head home where we all cuddled in together on the futon for a two hour nap. Oh, how I love afternoon naps!
Later that night Travis and I enjoyed a night out with my sister and her boyfriend’s family. Thanks to our wonderful neighbors we didn’t have to be home at any certain time, because they kept the kids overnight. Landon and Sienna love spending time at the Peterson’s house. Sienna gets to play with new toys and Landon got to bring his Trouble game over and play it with new people.
Sunday brought visitors to our house for lunch. My cousin Carrie and her family were in town and came to visit. It was so nice because her kids are around Landon and Sienna’s age. All four of them played so well together. After they left, you guessed it, nap time again! By the time Sienna and I woke up daddy was busy smoking some things for supper. We enjoyed smoked ribs, chicken and great conversation with some great friends. Then it was off to bed for the whole family.
What a great weekend we all had. It was so much fun to spend time with family and friends this past weekend. The weekend flew right by us, but it was oh so much fun. It makes you realized how blessed you are to have such wonderful people in your life.
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