Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Hello Spring….Are You Coming?
Not only do I have the itch to get outside and enjoy the weather, but so do two kiddos. Last night while daddy was enjoying his new smoker, Sienna requested to go and swing. This posed a bit of a challenge because of all the darn snow we have left. After some removal of toys that were stuck in the snow I got her in the swing. Landon was excited to be able to walk Jack, so down half a block he went and then he came back and repeated it. This flood business needs to be over with and we need spring, soon!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Fun and Family Weekend
This weekend the kids and I headed over to West Fargo Saturday morning to let them “go on the jumping things” as Landon would say. Our great neighbors provided us with free tickets to go with them. We spend two hours there and the kids had a great time. Landon was very brave this time and asked to ride the mechanical bull and climb the volcano. After that we headed to the mall to have lunch and spend some time at Dino Land. We stayed until about 1 pm and then head home where we all cuddled in together on the futon for a two hour nap. Oh, how I love afternoon naps!
Later that night Travis and I enjoyed a night out with my sister and her boyfriend’s family. Thanks to our wonderful neighbors we didn’t have to be home at any certain time, because they kept the kids overnight. Landon and Sienna love spending time at the Peterson’s house. Sienna gets to play with new toys and Landon got to bring his Trouble game over and play it with new people.
Sunday brought visitors to our house for lunch. My cousin Carrie and her family were in town and came to visit. It was so nice because her kids are around Landon and Sienna’s age. All four of them played so well together. After they left, you guessed it, nap time again! By the time Sienna and I woke up daddy was busy smoking some things for supper. We enjoyed smoked ribs, chicken and great conversation with some great friends. Then it was off to bed for the whole family.
What a great weekend we all had. It was so much fun to spend time with family and friends this past weekend. The weekend flew right by us, but it was oh so much fun. It makes you realized how blessed you are to have such wonderful people in your life.
Friday, March 18, 2011
What Sienna Says
Sienna being strong willed last night and not listening gets a swat on the butt from daddy.
Sienna – “Daddy, did you just spank my butt.”
Daddy – “Yes, I did just spank your butt.”
Sienna – “Daddy, you make me sad.”
Daddy – “What?” “I make you sad?”
Sienna – “Yes, you make me sad.” “Don’t spank my butt again.”
Yes, people we have one that is very strong willed on our hands, but we sure do love her!
Umm...coloring on the paper and not the face would be much appreciated |
Funny Things Landon Says
Landon – “Mom, when I get older I’m going to marry you.”
Me – “Landon, you can’t marry your mom.”
Landon – “But I like you, mom.”
Brushing Sienna’s snarly hair this morning…
Me – “Sienna, what do you have in your hair?”
Landon – “She has snails in her hair, mom.”
Shots and a Check Up
Recently Landon had his five year checkup. The nurse asked if we had any concerns about his hearing or vision. Well, come to think of it yes, we do have some concerns about his hearing. So she did a hearing test on him, which didn’t go so well. When the doctor came in to do the exam we talked to her about it. I had explained to her that both the kids had a cough for a month now that they just couldn’t shake. She looked into Landon’s ears and noticed that he had a lot of fluid buildup in them. She said that they were not infected, but there was a lot of fluid there. The fluid could be the cause of his hearing problem. She thought that he had a sinus infection and wrote a prescription for antibiotics for both kids. I tell you, this winter has been terrible for our family. I know I can’t really complain because some families have serious medical conditions to deal with, but it seems like twice a month we are in the clinic lately. Then came to the fun part or not so fun part. Landon had to get two shots to be ready for kindergarten this fall. Overall, he did really well for them with minimal crying. The doctor said he looked great and seemed very ready for kindergarten. It’s hard to believe my baby is ready for that, but look out kindergarten
Fun, Sun and Friends
Just two short weeks ago Travis and I were in warm paradise, seems like forever ago at this point. At the end of February Travis, myself and some great friends of ours headed out for some sun and fun. The day before we left I ended up in the walk-in clinic for the second time with strep throat. Apparently the antibiotic the doctor prescribed for me the first time didn’t do the trick. I’m so glad I decided to go back in and get checked out instead of roughing it through our whole trip. Back on the antibiotics for me it was. We prayed the kids wouldn’t get it, but no such luck. The day we left G and G Moser brought Sienna in because she wasn’t feeling the best. You guessed it, she had strep throat. Grandma ended up taking extra time off from school to stay home with Sienna to make sure she was doing ok. Then that Tuesday or Wednesday it was back to the clinic for Landon. Yep, strep throat it was! So needless to say everyone was on an antibiotic for strep in our house as daddy had strep in February too.
Now back to the trip and the fun. We went to a resort south of Cancun, Mexico and had a great time. It was the third time we had been at this resort and it was great. We arrived on a Saturday and stayed through Friday. While there we drank, ate and met some really great people from Canada. I’m pretty sure I ate calamari one day, as I thought it was onion rings and didn’t look at the label. In my head and mouth I was sure it was onion rings and that is exactly what it tasted like to me. Later that evening while eating at the buffet I was excited because they had onion rings again, only for someone to tell me that it was calamari. The food overall was pretty good and the sun, well that was wonderful. It felt so good to soak up some 85 degree weather and get vitamin D!
Good food, good friends and good fun |
The pool bar |
This is where intense games of water volleyball happened |
Kindergarten Sign-up
When you first give birth and you look at this little miracle you just created time just sort of stands still. Then comes the diapers, feedings and sleepless nights as soon as you get home. As a baby Landon was good and not so good. He was a pretty good sleeper at night and for his naps, but come 5:00 at night he would cry and cry. It was pretty tough to deal with some nights because I was home alone with him while Travis was at work. We got through that rough patch and then years 1-5 just seemed to fly by. A couple of weeks ago I realized how fast it has flown by. I registered my little baby boy for kindergarten. Talk about things hitting you when you look back and try and figure out where the last 5 years has gone. This fall we get to look forward to back packs and homework. I’m so proud of my son and all he has learned so far in life, but wish life could slow down a bit.
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