Friday, May 20, 2011

The 1 Mile Marathon Runner

Landon participated in his second Fargo Marathon Youth Run last night and did great!  He wanted to run it by himself, secretly I was proud he wanted to do it by himself and a little sad as he seems to be getting so big, either way I was happy at his eagerness to want to run.  I sat with him before the kids lined up patiently waiting for the race to begin.  Once they lined up I told him to run and follow the other kids.  The first kid came back in about 6 minutes 40 seconds, wow!  He enjoyed the race and was already talking about doing it again next year. 
Waiting for the race to start

This is where I got the "stop taking my picture"


Lining up

Just finished on his way to get his medal

The medal!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Sienna has been accident free for over a week, including staying dry overnight.  Here is to crossing my fingers we are completely potty trained and NEVER have to buy diapers again!  So proud of my baby girl!

All Landon

“Mom, when will I lose my teeth?”
“Soon Landon, soon.”
“Then will the fairy tooth come visit me.”
“You mean the Tooth Fairy?”
“Yes, she will and then she will put money under your pillow.”
“What if she lifts my head too far up?”
“Mom, you need to cut Sienna’s hair it is getting too long.”
“No, I’m trying to grow it out.”
(A little gasp) “Mom, then she will look like Rapunzel.”
Waking up out of a dead sleep...“Mom and dad, when I was sleeping this morning I had to blow my nose and papa gave me toilet paper.”
“Yeah, and the toilet paper was really soft.”